Trumbull Boat Club
Managing boat docks on Mosquito Creek Lake since 1962
Established in 1962, Trumbull Boat Club is a non-profit, family oriented organization that manages docks on Mosquito Creek Lake. Trumbull Boat Club men, women and their families have been working together to maintain the club, the docks and activities that are enjoyed by members each year. Every year, members gather to maintain the club docks and work as a team to install them in the spring and extract them in the fall. The faithful support and dedication of our members is crucial to the success of our club, ensure the dacks are maintained and kept safe and most of all keeping costs down.
We will be accepting membership applications for the 2024 boating season beginning February 1, 2024 starting with our waiting list. If you are not presently on the waiting list, click the Membership Info button and call the number listed to be added. Space is limited and summer is right around the corner.
Trumbull Boat Club is the least expensive marina in the state of Ohio and this is solely due to the dedication and loyalty of our members and Club Officers.
If you're tired of pulling your boat back and forth to the lake and spending more time preparing for the day than enjoying it, Trumbull Boat Club is the place for you!
Work Parties
Work parties are scheduled generally in the Spring and fall for dock installation and removal. We also join together to install member's personal docks after the main docks are installed. Members are required to put in 10 hours of work in the spring and 10 hours in the fall. A small price to pay to be able to spend your time ON your boat versus trailering it back and forth!
Club Picnics
Our Club has two or three picnics during the summer months for members and their families. Main courses are provided by the Club and desserts and side dishes are provided by members as a pot-luck. Although we all dock together, we may not see each other much. This is a great opportunity for us to get together and have some fun and eat some good food!
Our Location
Trumbull Boat Club is located on the southeast shore of beautiful Mosquito Lake, off of SR-305 in Bazetta Township. Just enter "Trumbull Boat Club into your GPS for precise directions